Muhammad's (S) and words
hese are some of the examples of Muhammad's (S) and words as recorded in the Hadith literature.
1. O Allah! Improve my spiritual life, for that is to be my refuge;
And purify my material life, for I have to live it;
And prepare me for the life to which I shall have to return;
And keep me alive till it is good for me to be alive,
And call me back when it is good for me to die.
And lengthen my life in every goodly state,
And turn death into bliss before any evil state supervenes. (Hisn-al-Hisn)
2. The believer is not he who eats his full, while his neighbor is hungry.
3. Food for two is sufficient for three, and food for three is sufficient for four. (Muslim)
4. Give the laborer his wages before his sweat dries. (Ibn Majah)
5. He who unjustly takes land measuring but a hand-span will have
sevenfold the measure of that land hung around his neck.
6. Four traits of a hypocrite are:
He betrays a trust, lies, breaks promises, and when he quarrels, he commits excesses. (Bukhari)
7. Beware of envy, for envy devours good (deeds) like fire devours firewood. (Abu Dawud)
8. Beware of suspicion, for suspicion is the greatest falsehood.
Do not try to find fault in each other; do not spy on one another,
Do not vie with one another; do not envy one another,
Do not be angry with one another,
And be servants of Allah, brothers to one another, as you have been
A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim - he does him no wrong, nor does he
let him down; nor does he despise him. Fear of Allah is here, fear of
Allah is here.
It is evil for a Muslim should look down on his brother.
For every Muslim is sacred to another - his blood, his honor and his
Allah does not look at your bodies, your forms, or your deeds, but he
looks at your hearts. (Bukhari and Muslim)
9. Charity is due upon every limb of a human being on each day that the
sun rises. To act justly between two (people) is charity. To help a
man to his riding beast, or to load his provisions on it or lift them up
for him is charity. A good word is charity. Every step going to
prayer is charity. Removing from the road what causes harm is charity.
(Bukhari, Muslim)
10. One, who strives to strengthen an oppressor and knows he is an oppressor, has already left Islam. (Bayhaqi)
11. If one of you sees (something) bad, he should change it with his
hand: And if he is not capable of that, then with his tongue; and if he
is not capable of that, then with his heart, and that is the weakest
faith. (Muslim)
12. Leave what you have doubt about for that you have no doubt about;
for it is truth that brings peace of mind and it is falsehood that
brings doubt. (Musnad Ahmad, Tirmadhi and Nasai}
13. The strong man is not the one who is strong in wrestling, but the one who controls his anger.
14. A companion asked "O Rasulullah! What do you fear most for me?"
Thereupon he pointed at his own tongue and said "this". (Tirmadhi)
15. Do you know backbiting?
They said, Allah and His messenger know best.'
He said, '(When) you speak about your brother, what he would dislike it is backbiting.'
Someone said, 'What if my brother is as I say?'
He said, 'If he is as you say, you have been backbiting; and if he is not as you say, you have slandered him.' (Muslim)
16. The Muslim who meets with people and endures any harm they may do,
is better than he who does not meet with them and does not endure any
harm they may do. (Tirmadhi)
17. Allah is not merciful to him who is not merciful to his people. (Bukhari, Muslim)
18. He who does not thank people does not thank Allah. (Musnad Ahmad and Tirmadhi)
19. When a man loves his brother (for the sake of Allah) he should tell him that he loves him. (Abu Dawud and Tirmadhi)
20. Some of the companions reported that, Allah's Messenger came out
leaning on a stick and we stood up. He said: "Do not stand up as the
foreigners stand up exalting each other therewith." (Abu Dawud)
21. Visit the sick, feed the hungry and free the captives. (Bukhari)
22. Do not withhold (Sadaqah) or Allah withholds you. Give away whatever you can afford. (Bukhari)
23. According to 'A'ishah: Allah's Messenger used to receive gifts and used to give (gifts). (Bukhari}
24. The best companion with Allah is he who behaves best to his
companions and the best neighbor to Allah is he who behaves best to his
neighbor. (Tirmadhi)
25. He who believes in Allah and the Last Day should honor his guests
according to his right. People asked: 'What is his right, Messenger of
Allah?' He said, "A day and a night, and hospitality for three days.
And beyond that is Sadaqah." (Bukhari and Muslim)
26. The most perfect of the believers is the best of you in character;
and the best of you are those among you who are best to their wives.
27. He is not of us who has no compassion for our little ones and does not honor our old ones. (Abu Dawud and Tirmadhi)
28. The best house among Muslims is the house in which an orphan is
well treated and the worst house among the Muslims is the house in which
an orphan is badly treated. (Ibn Majah)
29. Each of you is a guardian, and each of you will be asked about
your guardianship. The leader is a guardian, the man is a guardian over
the people of his house, and the woman is a guardian over her husband's
house and children. So each of you is a guardian, and each of you will
be asked about your guardianship. (Bukhari and Muslim)
30. Go back to your people and teach them. (Bukhari)
31. Make things easy, do not make them difficult, and give good tiding and do not make people run away. (Bukhari)
Say! Verily, my prayer and my sacrifice and my life and death are for Allah. (Qur'an 6:162)
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